The shots that we will use throughout our opening will be:
- Establishing shot of a house to set the scene and show our first location.
- Close up of fairy tale book
- Mid shot of little girl picking up book (do not see face yet for enigma)
- Panning shot taken with the camera on the floor following the girls footsteps to her bed
- Mid shot from the end of the bed showing the little girl and her father reading the book
- Also a mid high angle shot of them reading a story to show their facial expressions better
- Panning shot from bed to card on the floor
- McGuffin of playing card floating in the wind
- Some sort of establishing shot in order to show the new location
- Mid shot (not showing face) of card hitting character
- Point of view from character looking at card
the card. Beside are some of the practice shots we got in order to test out how the focus works...
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